Greetings and Salutations!

 Greetings, my darlings.

I seriously doubt anyone will read my idiotic ramblings but why not start a blog anyway? The world is a chaotic place right now. I need a place to vent my jumbled thoughts. Tennessee Southern Dreams is something I created on the spur of the moment. To Be honest I was reading a translated Chinese Novel and somehow got roped into this. I love to explore new things. I am a complete otaku at times. Apparently I read way to much manga and novels (usually Chinese, Korean, and etc). I also enjoy tv shows and movies from around the world too (as long as there is English subtitles I'm good.). I wish I was fluent in a million languages but, since I am from TN, I can barely speak normal English. I am fantastic at Redneck English. I love Shakespeare but there is nothing more amusing than trying to hear my southern mangled accent trying to quote Hamlet lol. 

I believe in a few things strongly. 

One, everyone has their right to their own political choice. I hate people who try to scream in my face about changing my political party to theirs because of their reasons. That's like me screaming in their face that they should worship the Goddess Hecate because stories about her are older than stories about Jesus. Freedom of choice in all things: politics, body, mind, spirit, religion, sexual orientation, or gender. Fuck society and their ass backward demands for people fit into what they want. I am a Democrat/Independent. I make the rules in my life. 

Two, I'm a huge believer in science, medicine, and technology. That's pretty self explanatory.

Three, Hating someone because of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, etc. is fucking stupid. I don't roll with that. 

Southern doesn't mean racist, bigoted, or stupid. I hate Trump. That's my own opinion as I keep a close on politics and the world around me. I hate how he has treated other people, women, children, and how he's made America look weak. Feel like he's the leader in a Dumb-ass Parade right now. Every time I hope he's going to do his damn job I get disappointed. I believe in giving everyone a fair chance but Trump ruined that half way through his campaign with his BS. It's a damn shame that not many others see what I did when watching him. I HATE liars. 

Ooops....I veered off into rambling again. Sorry about that. Better stop this post here. Good luck everybody. Stay safe. 

(RIP Chadwick Boseman. You were a beautiful man inside and out)
