
Showing posts from August, 2020

Greetings and Salutations!

 Greetings, my darlings. I seriously doubt anyone will read my idiotic ramblings but why not start a blog anyway? The world is a chaotic place right now. I need a place to vent my jumbled thoughts. Tennessee Southern Dreams is something I created on the spur of the moment. To Be honest I was reading a translated Chinese Novel and somehow got roped into this. I love to explore new things. I am a complete otaku at times. Apparently I read way to much manga and novels (usually Chinese, Korean, and etc). I also enjoy tv shows and movies from around the world too (as long as there is English subtitles I'm good.). I wish I was fluent in a million languages but, since I am from TN, I can barely speak normal English. I am fantastic at Redneck English. I love Shakespeare but there is nothing more amusing than trying to hear my southern mangled accent trying to quote Hamlet lol.  I believe in a few things strongly.  One, everyone has their right to their own political choice. I hate people w